We help victims of sexual slavery rebuild.
Since filing Texas' very first Human Trafficking case in early 2017 based on state law holding hotels, individuals, and businesses accountable for turning the blind eye to sex trafficking, Bussard Law has made it its primary mission to help minor and adult victims recover and rebuild. Many cases can be brought anonymously and often settle privately and discreetly. These cases typically do not concern the primary traffickers themselves, but rather the indirectly benefiting hotels, businesses, and individuals that profit from trafficking. Additionally, should your case necessitate a jury trial, we are a trial lawyers first and foremost with a proven record of verdicts and settlements and seeing your case through to the end.
“We originally tested Chapter 98. Liability for Human Trafficking as a viable cause of action in Texas. Many other firms have followed our lead and we are proud of that. For us, this is not just a case, it’s a cause. It takes a village.”